Eureka Wearmax Grinding Industries Inc. is comprised of well-educated and goal orientated individuals. The commitment to our customers is unparalleled in regards to service, quality and innovation. Each department is dedicated and corresponds with one another so that projects are carried out efficiently and with the highest level of quality.

Products and Services
Eureka Wearmax Grinding Industries Inc. is comprised of 3 distinct sales units:
- Eureka Tool Steel Welding Products, Ltd.
- Eureka Grinding Industries, Ltd.
- Eureka Wearmax Plate div.
At Eureka Wearmax Grinding Industries Inc. we are dedicated to offering only the highest quality products and services. We make sure that we always use the highest grades of materials when it comes to the manufacture of our products. Additionally we keep our standards high by constantly part-taking in a number of tests and quality control procedures (in-house as well as third-party).